Want to Help Save a Life?
Every 3 minutes someone is diagnosed with blood cancer, while thousands of patients are awaiting a stem cell or bone marrow transplant. Be The Match Registry is looking for anyone aged 18 to 44 who meets the health guidelines and is willing to donate to any patient in need. Join the National marrow Registry or learn more @ join.bethematch.org/JohnsonCancer
You may also contact Tori Fairhurst: Be The Match Community Engagement: Call or Text 360-701-7624 or tori.fairhurst@nmdp.org
Johnson Cancer Foundation is excited to be part of the Fred Meyer Rewards Program, ID #86532. You can link your Fred Meyer Rewards card to the Johnson Cancer Foundation and help send a student affected by cancer to college. If you would like to learn more please go here or click on the logo to go to the FM website to set the Johnson Cancer Foundation as your non profit rewards recipient.
Are you a Current or Retired Boeing Employee? Johnson Cancer Foundation has been accepted as a part of Boeing’s Charitable Match Program and is on the payroll deduction charitable organization options. Either of these options will help students affected by cancer to attend college. Please contact Boeing for more information on how to set up JCF as a recipient of your payroll deduction or how the match program works.
The Johnson Cancer Foundation mission is to raise funds to help those in East Pierce County affected by cancer attend secondary education.